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10689 L/Cpl John Wishart lands in Le Havre during the afternoon with the 1st Battalion, Royal Scots and marches to camp at Ste. Adresse.

In Festubert a violent explosion is heard at 9:30 a.m. followed by a heavy bombardment of the trenches held by the 1st Battalion, Highland Light Infantry. 10046 Pte. J Wishart in D Coy was attacked shortly after the explosion and in all probability, was killed in action during the assault. 12056 L/Cpl. R Wishart in a currently unknown company would likely have been aware that by midday the whole of the front trench had been blown in, and was perhaps witness to a bayonet charge led by the Germans on the Highlanders position. A number of HLI men withdrew through trenches held by the 1st Seaforth Highlanders who counted among their ranks 677 Pte. Henry Gray Wishart.  By 10 p.m. no further attacks were made by the enemy, and two platoons of Royal Highlanders were brought up to reinforce the right of the HLI line.  During the night various counter-attacks were made however none were successful.

At 5 p.m. 2450 Pte. J Wishart and 7397 Pte. G Wishart of the 1st Battalion, Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) march from Borre towards Bethune (via Merville) and arrive at 2:30 a.m. the following morning. The distance marched was twenty-three miles, and according to the war diary a large number of men fall out due to having been given enteric inoculation (which caused pain and inflammation) and new boots (which would have been hard, and quite uncomfortable) the previous day.

In Bailleul, new boots are also on the agenda for the 9th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry and if he hadn’t received a pair already, 2413 Pte. Andrew Brock Wishart would have now received a pair.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]