2933833 Pvt Harry Wishart (1895 – 1918)

Tree: WIS0052

Harry Wishart was born in Liberty Township, Ohio on 28 October 1895. He was the son of Andrew Lundy Gibson, a local carpenter, and his wife, Jessie Devore. Harry lived with his family in Kimbolton until his parents’ divorce, after which his mother married George Frank Wishart in 1901 and young Harry adopted his stepfather’s surname. They lived in Cambridge, Ohio where Harry enlisted on 24 June 1918. He joined 23 Company, 6th Battalion, 158 Depot Brigade and sent for training at Camp Sherman in Chillicothe, Ohio. On 25 July he transferred to Company C of the1st Development Battalion (meaning he was probably temporarily unfit for his unit) and then 20 Company of the 5th Training Battalion on 27 August.

Tragically Harry died on broncho-pneumonia on 12 October while still in service and is buried at Northwood Cemetery in Cambridge. Less than two years later his mother died in Akron and his stepfather remarried.

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